Bioscrape comes with a number of built in log-likelihood functions for deterministic or stochastic parameter inference. These functions are detailed in the following notebook. First, a simple model is made to test the functions:
$\emptyset \xrightarrow[]{k_1} X \; \; \; \; X \xrightarrow[]{d_1} \emptyset$
A set of N trajectories is then generated from this model, from either the same or different initial conditions, across the same or different time-windows. Gaussian noise is then added to all the samples.
In [1]:
import bioscrape as bs
from bioscrape.types import Model
from bioscrape.simulator import py_simulate_model
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
#Create a Model
species = ["X"]
reactions = [(["X"], [], "massaction", {"k":"d1"}), ([], ["X"], "massaction", {"k":"k1"})]
k1 = 10.0
d1 = .2
params = [("k1", k1), ("d1", d1)]
initial_condition = {"X":0}
M = Model(species = species, reactions = reactions, parameters = params, initial_condition_dict = initial_condition)
N = 10 #Number of trajectories
nT = 50 #number of timepoints
noise_std = 5 #Standar deviation of the guassian noise added onto the measurements
MultipleTimepoints = True #Different timepoints for each trajectory?
timepoint_list = []
timepoints = np.linspace(np.random.randint(0, 10), np.random.randint(10, 100), nT)
#Generate Trajectories
R = [] #Results as Pandas Dataframes
Data = [] #Results will become a numpy array
MultipleInitialConditions = True #Different initial conditions for each trajectory?
X0_list = [] #multiple initial conditions will be saved for inference
for n in range(N):
if MultipleInitialConditions:
initial_condition = {"X": np.random.randint(0, 100)}
if MultipleTimepoints:
timepoints = np.linspace(np.random.randint(0, 10, 1), np.random.randint(10, 100, 1), num = 50).flatten()
r = py_simulate_model(timepoints, Model = M, stochastic = True)
noisy_data = r["X"].to_numpy() + np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = noise_std, size = nT)
#Plot Results
Data = np.array(Data)
Data = np.reshape(Data, ( np.shape(Data)+ (1,))) # To make sure Data has shape - N X T X M (where M = len(measured_species))
for n in range(N):
plt.plot(R[n]['time'], R[n]["X"], color = (n/N, 0, 1-n/N))
plt.plot(R[n]['time'], Data[n], 'o', color = (n/N, 0, 1-n/N))
_ = plt.xlabel("time")
_ = plt.ylabel("X")
Different kinds of data must be stored in specific kinds of data objects. In turn, each Log-likelihood object is designed to accept a single kind of data object.
DeterministicLikelihood takes a BulkData Data Object. This likelihood sums up the L-norm between N experimental bulk trajectories and a single deterministic ODE simulation for each experimental trajectory.
StochasticTrajectoriesLikelihood takes a StochasticTrajectories Data object. This likelihood sums up the pair-wise L-norm between N experimental stochastic trajectories and N_simulations SSA (non-volume) simulations per experimental trajectory.
In [2]:
#Create LogLikelihoodFunction
from bioscrape.inference import DeterministicLikelihood as DLL
from bioscrape.inference import BulkData
from bioscrape.inference import StochasticTrajectoriesLikelihood as STLL
from bioscrape.inference import StochasticTrajectories
# Create a Data Objects
if MultipleTimepoints:
DataStoch = StochasticTrajectories(np.array(timepoint_list), Data, ["X"], N)
DataDet = BulkData(np.array(timepoint_list), Data, ["X"], N)
DataStoch = StochasticTrajectories(timepoints, Data, ["X"], N)
DataDet = BulkData(timepoints, Data, ["X"], N)
#Ceate Likelihodo objects:
N_simulations = 3 #Number of simulations per sample to compare to
norm_order = 1 #(integer) Which norm to use: 1-Norm, 2-norm, etc.
#If there are multiple initial conditions in a data-set, should correspond to multiple initial conditions for inference.
#Note len(X0_list) must be equal to the number of trajectories N
if MultipleInitialConditions:
LL_stoch = STLL(model = M, init_state = X0_list, data = DataStoch, N_simulations = N_simulations, norm_order = norm_order)
LL_det = DLL(model = M, init_state = X0_list, data = DataDet, norm_order = norm_order)
#Multiple samples with a single initial only require a single initial condition.
LL_stoch = STLL(model = M, init_state = initial_condition, data = DataStoch, norm_order = norm_order, N_simulations = N_simulations)
LL_det = DLL(model = M, init_state = initial_condition, data = DataDet, norm_order = norm_order)
print("LL_stoch.N_simulations", LL_stoch.py_get_N_simulations(), "LL_stoch.norm_order", LL_stoch.py_get_norm_order(), "LL_det.norm_order", LL_det.py_get_norm_order())
In [3]:
npoints = 15
d_list = np.logspace(-12, 12, base = 2, num = npoints)
k_list = np.logspace(-12, 12, base = 2, num = npoints)
HM_stoch = np.zeros((len(d_list), len(k_list)))
HM_det = np.zeros((len(d_list), len(k_list)))
for di in range(len(d_list)):
print("di=", di, end = " =")
for ki in range(len(k_list)):
print(ki, end = " ")
LL_stoch.set_init_params({"d1":d_list[di], "k1":k_list[ki]})
LL_det.set_init_params({"d1":d_list[di], "k1":k_list[ki]})
vs = LL_stoch.py_log_likelihood()
vd = LL_det.py_log_likelihood()
HM_stoch[di, ki] = -vs
HM_det[di, ki] = -vd
plt.figure(figsize = (18, 8))
plt.title("Stochastic Log Likelihood of a Non-Identifiable Manifold\n k ="+str(k1)+" d="+str(d1))
plt.xlabel("log k")
plt.xticks(range(npoints), [round(np.log(k), 1) for k in k_list])
plt.ylabel("log d")
plt.yticks(range(npoints), [round(np.log(d), 1) for d in d_list])
cb = plt.pcolor(np.log(HM_stoch))
_ = plt.colorbar(cb)
plt.title("Deterministic Log Likelihood of a Non-Identifiable Manifold\n k ="+str(k1)+" d="+str(d1))
plt.xlabel("log k")
plt.xticks(range(npoints), [round(np.log(k), 1) for k in k_list])
plt.ylabel("log d")
plt.yticks(range(npoints), [round(np.log(d), 1) for d in d_list])
cb = plt.pcolor(np.log(HM_det))
_ = plt.colorbar(cb)
In [ ]: